“For me, and for thousands with similar inclinations, the most important passion of life is the overpowering desire to escape periodically from the clutches of a mechanistic civilization. To us the enjoyment of solitude, complete independence, and the beauty of undefiled panoramas is absolutely essential to happiness.” -Bob Marshall
"For the Lord, our God, is bringing you into a good country, a land with streams of water, with springs and fountains welling up in the hills and valleys..."
"Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!" --Deuteronomy 8:7
I am happiest when I am outdoors admiring the beauty of nature. It always amazes me when I realize the wonderful and beautiful gift God has given to all of us. Sometimes, I see something so beautiful, I find tears sliding down my face and feeling a sense of awe and wonderment.
This is why I decided to start my "Beauty of Nature" Quilt. If you would like to contribute, just email me a 130 x 130 square to: EMAIL ME with your quilt square and a link back to your site....
KK Graphics

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