Moon, moon tell unto me,
When my true love I shall see?
What fine clothes am I to wear?
How many children will I bear?
For if my love comes not to me,
Dark and dismal my life will be.
This verse, recited by a maiden as she gathered special herbs by the light of the first full moon of the new year, could reveal a future husband and cause the girl to have a true dream about the man--if she first complied with certain requirements. With a black-handled knife she had to cut out three pieces of earth, bring them home, tie them in her left stocking, and secure the bundle with her right garter. The completed package then had to be placed upon her pillow.

When yawning, make the sign of the cross
instantly over your mouth, or the evil
spirit will make a rush down and take up
his abode with you.
It is unlucky to offer your right hand in
salutation, for thee is an old say, "A curse
with the left hand to those we hate, but the
right hand to those we honor."
If the palm of your hand itches you will be
getting money; if the elbow, you will be changing beds.
Breaking a mirror brought seven years of bad
luck, while two people washing hands in the
same basin at the same time courted disaster.

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