Sorry, couldn't resist these What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? A turkey that can pluck himself! Do you have any turkeys going cheap?Nope, all our turkeys go gobble gobble. What did the turkey do in the Thanksgiving Day Parade? He played his drumsticks! All these links open a new window Find the turkey and win a prize!!! Turkey Slider Puzzle (need flash) Turkey Race (need flash) Thanksgiving Tic-Tac-Toe This one is cool...find out how much you REALLY know about Thanksgiving Wilstar's Thanksgiving Quiz Click on Pumpkinto return toThanksgiving Page Click on Cornucopiato return toHoliday Index Graphics and images used in sets from: All4Free Graphics; Ruth Morehead PSP Tubes; Midi from: Thanksgiving Midi Collection FastCounter by bCentral Created 10/07/2000 Updated 09/15/01 Created and Maintained by KK Graphics Copyright 2000-2001 by KK Graphics
Do you have any turkeys going cheap?Nope, all our turkeys go gobble gobble.
What did the turkey do in the Thanksgiving Day Parade? He played his drumsticks!
Turkey Race (need flash)
Thanksgiving Tic-Tac-Toe
This one is cool...find out how much you REALLY know about Thanksgiving
Wilstar's Thanksgiving Quiz
Click on Cornucopiato return toHoliday Index
Graphics and images used in sets from: All4Free Graphics; Ruth Morehead PSP Tubes; Midi from: Thanksgiving Midi Collection
FastCounter by bCentral